You’re one truth away from a graceful spiritual awakening!

Susan Dyer, helping women transform their lives through spiritual awakening

Imagine mastering your spiritual gifts and purposes… imagine limitless access to divine guidance!

Trust me. I couldn’t picture it either!

I’m Susan. I was born clairvoyant—and raised by baffled Catholics. As my visions were patently dismissed, I hid my gift, doubted my sanity, and hated myself by kindergarten. By age 40, it showed. My life was a series of rock bottoms.

Have emotions ever ruled you? Mine did. I felt broken and unloveable all my life, and sustained emotions become beliefs. I couldn’t be fixed. So I drank too much and ate too little. I married a man who marginally liked me. My role as a wife was rooted in panicked submission. By the end of our marriage, I was so ashamed of my worthlessness that I barely spoke. I had assassinated myself from the inside out.

Even so, our inevitable split unspooled me. I presented like an adult single mother but felt like a flailing teenager. How could I face life alone? My mind failed, and my body followed. Chronic Lyme disease raged out of remission. I was couch-bound, plagued by nerve pain and traveling paralysis. At my lowest point, even my walker proved inadequate. Each morning, I army crawled into the kitchen and made PB&Js while lying on the floor. I lined them along the wall on paper plates, leaving them out all day. My kids ate like animals.

That’s when a near-death experience (NDE) in 2017 clarified my journey…

While crawling upstairs, my spirit guides spit-balled one last chance: “Get out of your body tonight and find help.” I had astral traveled since childhood although never on command. Once in bed, my guides directed me. I escaped my body and traveled like a blade, arriving in the “void,” or the universal womb. Still terrified of the dark, I thought “God, please take me somewhere safe and good.”

Before I finished thinking the first word, I was immediately steeped in the Unnamable’s blazing, golden rays of light. I viscerally felt what “God” is made of, which was equally comforting and confusing. 

I experienced the Unnamable’s constitution as Love and Light, rather than what the Unnamable radiates. God is Love, impossibly unconditional and pure. But even Love was an insufficient description…

God felt like FREEDOM most of all.

I thought God was a vague but loving creative force. I was wrong. God knew me. We spoke without speaking. Our exchange was detailed and sweeping. God knew me better than my best friend. Warts and all, I was wholly loved… just like you.

No. Matter. What. 

I could have just murdered ten people, and I’d be received the same. The late Wayne Dyer said it best: “You’ll never get apple juice from an orange.” A perfect metaphor. God received me in Love and Light because God IS Love and Light, without shades of anything.

My NDE radically changed my concepts of God and incarnate life, and I honor these reconsiderations by sharing. One realization stunned me above all:

You ARE God, briefly embodied and unaware, and I am here to help you REMEMBER. 

Once you know, everything changes. You’ll see synchronicity, not coincidence. Your past as divinely timed. Your wounds as perfectly purposed. Death as energy transforming. You’ll know there are no rules. No gatekeepers. No middlemen. All rituals are accepted. All is One. 

I promised God I would return to Earth, shed my spiritual camouflage, and “live transparently.” I continued my NDE by healing my Lyme disease alongside Ascended Master Jesus and visiting a lifelong galactic guide.

I am no saint. Fear forced me to find my way. I am a seeker, just like you. I am no expert, but I honestly share personal experiences! I am clear, not confused. My continual awakening excites me. Fear does not drive me.

Today my life is divinely inspired, and it is my honor to show you how! 


Susan is a champion of women’s spirituality. She was born clairvoyant and merged with the Unnamable in a 2017 near-death experience. Susan now empowers awakening women via spiritual mentorships, inspirational speaking, and her Facebook community, Divining Women.

Susan graduated from Hamilton College with Bachelor of Arts degrees in Creative Writing and Cultural Anthropology. Her work has been published in Dance Magazine, FOLIO, Burningword Literary Journal, Evening Street Review, and more. Find her romping through the woods, playing cards with her kids, Googling questions, or meditating in her copper pyramid… find her on social media @SusanDyer1111.

still curious? work with susan or invite her to speak!